
The Transformation of the flesh
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Why are we here?
After 30 years of searching for the truth, I have come to the simple realization that...

"We (Our consciousness) are here in these fleshy
bodies only to experience the "pleasure and the pain" of these bodies, as only we can do in these bodies.
Angela Stark

In a nutshell...
The infinite universe, filled with the stuff of the stars and the planets, is mainly made of energy.

The scientists call it "Dark Energy".

There is more dark energy in the universe than anything else.  This dark energy could be referred to as God.

As Dr Michiu Kaku stated, "God is not some gray haired gentleman sitting up in a demension of the universe, waiting for me to get down on my knees and worship, nor offer up sacrifices to". Something we are instilled from birth to believe.

If Dark Energy is everywhere and is everything, then my theory may be contemplated...

Dark energy= (What is referred to as) Consciousness

If we are all made up of this dark energy, then it might be said that we are (for lack of a better term) little bit's of God.

"It" is in us.

Little bits of dark energy (God) placed in these fleshy bodies. Vehicles used to expand the "all knowing"  through the experiences of the flesh.

Experiences of the flesh.

When we come out of the flesh (thru death) we are once again dark energy (or consciousness). We are one with God. We bring to it our experiences and memories of the flesh (and you can't take anything else with you, I might add.). We add our experiences our pleasure and our pain to the all knowing database. Something it can only aquire by physical manifestation.

Pleasure and Pain

In the end, all the experiences of the flesh will be "gained" knowledge to God. There will be no judgement. There is no heaven or hell. There is no gender. We are just a "bit" of the all knowing, together as a whole.

Perhaps, after this bodily experience, we participate in gaining wisdom as/in another dimension or being. To continue the expansion. Or, perhaps not.

The expansion of the universe must not only be attributed to gases and elements, but also to the gaining of knowledge/wisdom. The all knowing of God.

The Dark Energy Expansion. What do you think?
(You probably think I'm nuts!)

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